Test & Validation systems

A comprehensive quality assurance solution

Overall architecture of a XiL

XiL is a test & validation system that combines the capabilities of HiL, SiL and MiL (Hardware in the Loop, Software in the Loop and Model in the Loop). It can be applied to a conceptual model, a running (emulated) piece of software or a combination of real hardware controllers and its surroundings with a simulated plant.

Foundations of T-XiL:

1. Simulation technology

Effective simulation helps virtualize the environment for the controller under test. The controller „thinks” that it is operating within the real product, while in reality most of the controller’s surroundings are simulated. 

2. Test framework

It is crucial to have a carefully selected test framework in place as it provides means for utilizing the system in a fully automated way, 24/7, while delivering repeatable and consistent results. Test scripts have to be clear and precise so that they can be accepted as part of the qualification process.

3. Test hardware

Since the XiL systems can combine hardware, virtual hardware and software, they usually come in the form of one or more testbenches that can be placed in a laboratory. Sometimes they are also equipped with dedicated test hardware like failure injection modules, custom interfaces etc.

4. Testing services

Independent perspective. Quick ramp-up. Cost efficiency. Expertise and specialization. Flexibility and Scalability. These are just some of the reasons why it is a good idea to leave test scripting and testing in expert hands.

Do I need one?

The answer is: Yes, if

  • you are attempting to build any large system with complex control hardware and software that is tricky to fit into your usual office space,
  • time to market is your concern, with the quality of your deliverable being of the essence, 
  • your system (and its development process) needs to meet demanding functional safety standards like IEC 61508, IEC 50716 or DO-178B.

Succes stories

Here are some success stories from our customers who use Tritem XiL systems on a daily basis.

Verification and validation

with anything in the loop

The increasing demand for testing and quality assurance in the railway industry implied by the recent introduction of modern development standards, causes the railway rolling stock designers and manufacturers to seek cost- and time-optimal methods of software verification and validation.